Navratri Day 3- Tritya


The third facet of Goddess Durga is ‘Chandraghanta’, who is worshipped on the third day of Navaratri, for peace, tranquility and prosperity in life. She has a ‘chandra’ or half moon in her forehead in the shape of a ‘ghanta’ or bell. That is why she is called ‘Chandraghanta’. She is charming, has a golden bright complexion and rides a lion. She has ten hands, three eyes and holds weapons in her hands. She is the apostle of bravery and possesses great strength to fight in the battle against demons. The color to wear on the third day is Grey.

It is a cool and balanced color and goes best with other color shades in dresses. With major portion of dress be Grey and less of other combination that looks best, balance your accessories, shoes etc. with this moody color. You can also try shouting out with some dark accessories or silver wear on Day 3 of Navratri.

Maa Chandraghanta is worshipped. She is the bestowal of peace and serenity. She showers Supreme bliss and knowledge on her devotees.

She is the third form of ‘Maa Durga’ whom we worship throughout the nine days of Navratri. Maa Chandraghanta carries an aural serenity.

Maa Chandraghanta got her name so because she has a ‘Chandra’ – a moon on her forehead which appears as a ‘ghanta’ – a bell. The sound of the bell wards off evil spirits from her devotees.

One can invoke Maa with this mantra –

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
पिंडजप्रवरारुढ़ा चन्दकोपास्त्रकैर्युता !
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यं चन्द्रघंटेति विश्रुता !!

It means, I join hands in front of the supreme Goddess and adore the goddess with a bell shaped mark of moon on her forehead and I ask for the forgiveness for all the bad deeds I have done in my life.

Maa has a body of gold and she rides on a lion. She has ten hands, out of which eight carries weapons to destroy the evil and wrongdoer while two are in a position of giving blessings and stopping harm.

She is always ready to help her devotees, to kill the evils troubling them and bless them with peaceful life.

With a crescent moon on her forehead, elegant garb and weapons in her hands she gives appearance of a strong female with composed countenance.

She establishes justice and gives her devotees the courage and strength to fight challenges.

The rituals to be followed on the third day of Navratri to worship ‘Maa Chandraghanta’ are to be followed diligently. One should first worship all the Gods, Goddesses and Planets in the ‘Kalash’ and then offer prayer to Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya and Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi, Vijaya, Jaya – the family members of Goddess Durga.

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